Embracing Farm Life: The Journey of Dexter’s World
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Embracing Farm Life: The Journey of Dexter’s World

Hello, wonderful readers! It’s Dexter here, welcoming you back with open arms to our little slice of paradise at Dexter’s World. Today’s blog post is brimming with excitement, updates, and a touch of the extraordinary as we delve into the world of miniature chickens, our ever-growing family of ducks, chickens, and the intriguing process of…

Dexter’s World: A Journey of Sustainable Farming and Successful Tilapia Harvest

Dexter’s World: A Journey of Sustainable Farming and Successful Tilapia Harvest

Hello everyone, it’s a beautiful day once again, and I’m thrilled to welcome you back to Dexter’s World Channel. Our farm has seen tremendous growth and improvement since we embarked on this journey. Most recently, we’ve made significant strides in enhancing our pond’s ecosystem, making it a deeper and more hospitable environment for our aquatic…

Dexter’s World: Nurturing African Lovebirds and Fancy Rabbits

Dexter’s World: Nurturing African Lovebirds and Fancy Rabbits

Welcome back to Dexter’s World! Today, we have an exciting update on the breeding of our African lovebirds and our journey into harvesting fancy rabbits for our pet store. For all bird lovers and rabbit enthusiasts, this update is a melodious blend of care, love, and practical tips to ensure the well-being of these charming…

The Golden Snails: A Sustainable Source of Nutrition for Farm Animals

The Golden Snails: A Sustainable Source of Nutrition for Farm Animals

Hello, wonderful readers! Dexter here, welcoming you back to our channel, Dexter’s World. Today, I’m thrilled to share with you an enlightening journey into the world of sustainable farming practices, specifically focusing on an often overlooked yet incredibly valuable resource—golden snails. Yes, you read that right! These little creatures are not just pests in rice…

The Healing Power of Bird Farming: A Journey to Happiness

The Healing Power of Bird Farming: A Journey to Happiness

Hello, wonderful people! Dexter here, bringing you another slice of life from Dexter’s World. Today, I want to share something that’s very close to my heart—the therapeutic joy of bird farming. Life, with all its mysteries and miracles, offers us countless paths to happiness. For me, that happiness is found in the simple, natural things:…

Catfish Farming Business, Millions of Profit! Sorting catfish fingerlings to avoid cannibalism!
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Catfish Farming Business, Millions of Profit! Sorting catfish fingerlings to avoid cannibalism!

Hello, dear readers! It’s a beautiful day once again, and I am thrilled to have you back on Dexter’s World channel. Every time I start a video or article, I always begin with, “It’s a beautiful day,” because no matter the weather, be it gloomy or rainy, we can always find a way to make…

Starting a BETTA FISH FARM business! Pond Preparation and The Importance of Live Foods for Fish
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Starting a BETTA FISH FARM business! Pond Preparation and The Importance of Live Foods for Fish

Hi, guys! It’s a fantastic day, and I’m thrilled to welcome you back to Dexter’s World channel. Today, we’ve got an insightful topic on our hands—maintaining a positive mindset amidst the challenges we face. Sometimes, we tend to overemphasize the negative and overreact to situations, but the key is to find balance and maintain a…