See what we have Found while Checking the Backyard Fish Farm
It’s a good day to give you guys an update of our backyard fish farm. But before doing so, let me introduce with you an unexpected visitor in our backyard farm. Just as you’ve seen in the photo, you’re a right, this unexpected visitor is a 10 foot long snake caught swimming at our newly built filter tank.

This is the second snake we caught since we started constructing tanks in the backyard. Of course, we will not pet this one, but turn this over to the right authorities.
Moving on, let me give you an update of our zebra tank. Aside from zebras, there are also other fishes in the tank and it is really my recommendation to everyone planning to breed zebras, rosy barbs and swordtails, to create an environment that’s healthy for them. Watch the vlog I made so you’ll see the tank and the kind of filtration we adopted.

Just as I always tell everyone, before transferring fishes to another tank, make sure the water has the same temperature and it has to be an old stocked water. Another thing to consider is the cleanliness of the water to which you will put the baby fishes, check if there are insects in the water because chances are, you baby fish will all be eaten by the insects. Lastly, we have to put some plants so that the fish can have a place to hide.

Just that easy! So having the ideas in mind,you are more than ready to breed now! Happy breeding!
Also, you may visit our website for available items for sale.