Rabbit Keeping Tips from an Experienced Breeder
Hi there readers! We have explored the world of farming, from fish to quail to aquatic plants and rabbit. I’m just so glad I can share some principles with you in the different areas of farming. Well, this principles are the ones I learned from other people too which I find beneficial and worth trying myself.
Today, I’m gonna be sharing another blog about rabbit farming. I’m gonna take you to a couple (Mr. and Mrs. Rene Sibog) who have been raising rabbits for quite some time, they are actually my supplier of rabbits ever since I started the farm. So read on as I share some techniques I got from them.

As I had my interview with Mr. Rene, I learned that he is not just feeding his rabbits with pellets and grass, but fruits as well. Of course pellets is important for them but if given enough time, the rabbits should also be fed with greens like grass. So much of legumes will make them bloated and eventually die because of too much nitrogen from legumes.
I was amazed to know his passion in rabbit farming because he still finds time to breed and take care of his pets considering his age. He even innovated his cages to keep the pets safe when there is flood. He breeds rabbit three days after they are brought to the pet shop- that is enough time for them to take some rest and get them ready to breed again, as long as the health condition is good.

Feeding too much is really no recommended. A handful of pellets will do with also some fresh fruits like mango. Rabbits can be fed with papaya as well but not those that are overripe or very soft.
After 25 days from birth, they can be weaned already and then be brought to the pet shop and three days after, they can start breeding. In my interview with Mr. Rene, I learned that the doe is already pregnant when during the time they are put back to the box cage, they produce a peculiar sound. What an information and a brilliant observation!

So those were the tips and techniques I got from the Mr. Rene, I hope you guys got a share of learning too for your rabbit farming. Thanks for visiting my blog and for taking time to read. Have a great day!
Please do check out my website too for available fish foods, aquarium accessories and the like.