My Newly Adopted Filtration System Works!
Yesterday I vlogged on preparing a breeding tank for Shubunkin and I’m so excited to be counting Shubunkin fry few days from now. We’ve also successfully vlogged about the actual chasing of the Shubunkin. So, how are you with your tropical fish keeping? Are you having fun so far? I hope you do have fun because fish keeping is a hobby anyone can enjoy doing. To inspire you more, here’s my latest vlog FILTRATION SYSTEM WORKS!
This blog is an update of the kind of filtration system we have adopted. Remember the one we constructed few days ago? I always emphasize the principle of having a good filtration system. Filter is a device that removes impurities from the water of your tank by way of fine physical obstacle or by chemical procedure. The new filtration system I use is an undergravel filter since it’s not expensive and it keeps the debris totally out. Furthermore, getting the right filter can save you lots of hours in maintenance and allows fish to grow healthier and massively produce their kind.
So here’s a glimpse of the new filtration system we’ve adopted;
I bought this PVC pipe solely for this purpose. Cut it according to the desired length and began assembling and connecting the cut pieces thru a PVC elbow. After which I used a power drill to punch holes into the PVC pipe. This PVC pipe with holes on it is placed under the gravels. The holes are purposely designed for the water to gradually flow out into the gravels, then the gravels will do the filtering and finally the water rises and passes thru the tube connected to the tank.

Overflow of the water that has been filtered by the gravel passes thru this tube and goes to the tank This is the finished work
So far, this system has helped a lot in maintaining the cleanliness of the tank. The water is still green in color but it is clean. The green colored water might be because of the size of the filter pump I use, but I will try using a bigger filter pump so that the cycle of the water will be faster.
You see? Unleash that creative and innovative mind in you to improve your fish tanks and I assure you, it’s going to be worth all the effort and hard labor. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Looking for fish foods or aquarium accessories? Check out my website for available items.
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