After the Tank Project is done, Here’s an update of our Fish
A backyard pond is the kind of structure that can turn your average backyard into a masterpiece. The pond is sometimes considered to be the centerpiece of a yard which proves true to me. Our backyard improvement started weeks ago and is almost one hundred percent done at the moment.
You have been a part of this improvement as your comments and suggestions were well noted. They were of help to me, and I thank all our readers and viewers for sharing their brilliant thoughts and ideas, thus made the construction and renovation possible.
It has been weeks since we’ve been giving you updates about the said construction, and too little of how our fishes were. But not today, because this blog is for you to be updated of the variety of fish in our backyard farm. To see the entire updates, I made a vlog for all of you guys, so please take time to watch.
Also, let me thank everyone who has been a loyal viewer and subscriber of our youtube channel. We are have almost reached the 500,000 subscribers! What’s not to be grateful for?
Yes, going back to our update, I hope the following photos will suffice the update you guys deserve. May our simple way of giving you updates brings everyone the technical skills and principles to be used in their own fish farm or backyard farm.

The photos above show the different fish thriving in the tank. Some of them are still very tiny but get along well with others, even with the bigger ones. As you also observe, live plants are being placed in the tanks as they help maintain the quality of the water.
Having said that and to sum it all up, our fish farm is really doing great, so are our fish. For more updates about our backyard farm, please like and subscribe to our youtube channel.
Until next update! Have a great day!
In our website are the list of items available in our online store. Please check them out!