Building a 10,000 Gallon Pond: Easy and Economical
Just some sort of trivia: Fish tanks were common in ancient Rome, Egypt, and Asia. Early Sumerians were known to keep wild-caught fish in pools, before preparing them for meals. In China, selective breeding of carp into today’s popular koi and goldfish is said to have started more than 2,000 years ago. The first fish tank to have been made of glass (dating to 1853) is on display in Regent’s Park, London.
Fish tanks usually contain fresh or salt water at tropical or cold temperatures. The conditions and characteristics of the fish and other inhabitants help the owner to decide what sort of water or plants need to be in the tank. A careful fish tank owner always tries to maintain a fish tank in a manner that resembles its inhabitant’s natural habitat. The water quality is very important, and this means controlling the inflow and outflow of nutrients. The maintenance of a fish tank also requires the careful regulation of temperature, light, and oxygen, controlling the waste produced by tank inhabitants, suitable species selection, management of biological loading, and good physical design.
So why set up a Fish Tank? You’ve been to the pet store and noticed the fish tanks and thought “maybe I could do that”. Guess what, you can “do that” and it’s not nearly as difficult as you may think. Running your own tank is way easier than it was before. I said it because I made a few myself, one of which is featured in this blog’s video. So read on as I share

In the past, folks would go to the pet store and buy the tank, equipment and fish all at once. Now we know better. We know about the crucial aquarium nitrogen cycle that must take place in all new tanks. We know how to properly acclimate tropical fish to our tank water and how to periodically use our aquarium test kits to test the tank water to make sure nothing is out of whack. We have better access to fish behavior and can determine which fishes shouldn’t be kept together in the same tank. The information is out there, at our fingertips, at libraries, book stores and the search engines.
So, with all this available information we can quickly come up to speed with setting up and running a tank in our home. There are couple of ways to make one, here is a very brief steps:

Pick out and prepare the placement of your fish tank

Build the fish tank frame.
My tank is about 15 ft long, 5 ft wide and 2 ft deep

Make sure that there is no pointed object in the surface of the tank
I put some used sacks to cover the surface

Install the pond liner
I used a thick plastic cellophane since I have plans of changing the landscape later on.

Put water little by little to make sure the edges are fixed, and then finish it with a lock on the all sides.
So there you have it guys! I do hope you got something you need to know to make a fish tank yourself. No matter what type of tank setup you choose, as long as you do your homework beforehand you’ll enjoy this hobby. Research the equipment and livestock before purchasing them and you will prevent many headaches and keep some of that hard earned money in your wallet!
For more fish farming stuff such as fish foods and aquarium accessories, you can check on my website for available items.