A Visit to a Betta Fish Farm Plus some Tips to Successful Breeding
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A Visit to a Betta Fish Farm Plus some Tips to Successful Breeding

Massive production of fish like Betta has been one of the common topics we’ve been sharing in our blogs. Today, I will introduce you to one of my partners in breeding fish who has been in the business for 17 years. We have featured him in our vlogs before, but today, he’s gonna teach us…

Fish Foods and Diet to Grow Fish Faster Revealed

Fish Foods and Diet to Grow Fish Faster Revealed

Many have asked, “hey Dexter, what did you feed your fish with?” Here’s a secret revealed to growing fish faster . A balanced diet for your aquarium fish is essential to their survival. Most of the commercially available dry fish foods are almost always unbalanced. In many cases, the vitamin content will gradually decline at…

Feeding Betta Fish the Right Way
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Feeding Betta Fish the Right Way

Knowing the right way to feed your betta is fundamental, because not doing it right can have big consequences on your bettas health. Nothing is more stressful than dealing with a sick fish, right? So, let’s do it right, and get rid from the calamity! Watch the video for more information about Betta Fish. Here are some golden rules…

Breeding Livebearers – Guppies and Swordtails
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Breeding Livebearers – Guppies and Swordtails

Witnessed thousands of live-bearer fish massively produced in a tank. Let me walk you through the site through this vlog. Here’s a piece of writing as well to guide you in breeding live-bearer fish like Guppies and Swordtail. Two of the more popular tropical fish for beginners has to be Guppies and Swordtails. Guppies and…