Given Much to Give Much!
I am overjoyed by everyone’s support that I just cannot not share my joy with everyone!
When I decided to get into the world of vlogging, I never had any formal training or technical know-hows about this thing. What helped me a lot through the recording and video editing weren’t any books or Google but a handful of real people. I never even thought this would reach this far.
Then, the moment I knew I have 300,000 subscribers already, I just cannot contain my joy for a superb support I got from all of you. I am truly grateful! Your subscription to my channel means a lot and you are part in extending help to many people. I was thinking, how else can I give back and celebrate in a way that would kind of give joy to others too. So, I thought of giving away 3,000 quail eggs to people of different age groups (but most of all to kids).

So, from the streets in town to small villages and homes, those quail eggs brought joy and smile to the faces of everyone who tasted and had their full. This is my simple gesture of thanking every follower and subscriber of Dexter’s World Channel, the success of this channel is your success as well. I couldn’t have reached this number (300,000 subscribers indeed!) if not for your support.
In photos are smiles I would rather see than celebrating by myself over some good and fancy foods
I always believe that, when you are blessed with so much more, you ought to be a blessing as well. Here’s to more celebrations of gratitude in the future! I have many thing more to say, but words aren’t enough to thank everyone and it would be quite a long reading for you, so I suggest that you guys check my vlog out too for what has transpired in our quail egg distribution.
Won’t keep you all from what you need to do for this day, so go ahead and do your thing! Thanks for taking time to visit my blog and happy day to you all!