Fish Keeping, Fish Breeding and Beyond: Untold Secrets
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Fish Keeping, Fish Breeding and Beyond: Untold Secrets

Hi there fish keepers around the globe! Have you been searching the internet lately for some tips of successful fish farming and fish breeding? Oh yes! New ideas are just within our reach today. Today’s blog offers all our readers more than just an idea. Everything I shared with you guys are all based from…

Thousands of Fish Added in my 10,000 Gallon Pond
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Thousands of Fish Added in my 10,000 Gallon Pond

Today, I’m going to give an update of the 10,000 gallon pond we just recently constructed. Obviously (as you have seen in the video) I had a great time with my son while constructing the pond. The pond was filled with water which has been stocked in the water tank for couple of days already,…

Building a 10,000 Gallon Pond: Easy and Economical
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Building a 10,000 Gallon Pond: Easy and Economical

Just some sort of trivia: Fish tanks were common in ancient Rome, Egypt, and Asia. Early Sumerians were known to keep wild-caught fish in pools, before preparing them for meals. In China, selective breeding of carp into today’s popular koi and goldfish is said to have started more than 2,000 years ago. The first fish tank to have been made of glass…