Amazing Catfish Harvest – Millions of profit, Harvesting & Releasing Catfish to a bigger Pond!

Amazing Catfish Harvest – Millions of profit, Harvesting & Releasing Catfish to a bigger Pond!

Hi guys, it’s a beautiful day once again and welcome back to Dexter’s World Channel! We are in for an exciting and educational journey today as we explore the intricacies of catfish farming, raising chickens, and keeping ducks. In the face of potential challenges like El Niño and its impact on food security, it’s more…

Raising Free-range Rabbits – Here is everything you need to know about rabbit and catfish farming!

Raising Free-range Rabbits – Here is everything you need to know about rabbit and catfish farming!

Title: Nurturing Instincts and Kindness: A Day at Dexter’s World Farm Introduction: Greetings, friends and fellow farming enthusiasts! It’s a splendid day, and I am thrilled to welcome you back to Dexter’s World channel. Today, we are diving deep into the world of rabbit and catfish farming, sharing valuable updates, insights, and techniques to help…

Transforming Our Farm into a Sustainable Haven: Dexter’s Adventure with Bamboo, Free-Range Rabbits, and Baby Catfish

Transforming Our Farm into a Sustainable Haven: Dexter’s Adventure with Bamboo, Free-Range Rabbits, and Baby Catfish

Hello, fellow enthusiasts! Dexter here, and I am ecstatic to bring you another exciting update from our little paradise in the making. We have been working tirelessly, and there’s a lot to catch up on, so let’s dive right in! Bamboo Flooring and Sustainable Choices We’ve made significant strides in our flooring project, opting for…

Mastering Time Management: Achieving Productivity in Your Daily Life and Farming Endeavors

Mastering Time Management: Achieving Productivity in Your Daily Life and Farming Endeavors

Welcome to Dexter’s World! Today’s topic is time management, a powerful skill that allows you to accomplish more without feeling overwhelmed. With proper time management, you can efficiently balance various activities like vlogging, business, office work, and, in Dexter’s case, farming. In this tutorial, we’ll explore practical tips to help you make the most out…

Dexter’s World: A Passionate Journey in Pet Care and Breeding

Dexter’s World: A Passionate Journey in Pet Care and Breeding

Dexter’s World is a captivating realm where the art of pet care and breeding comes alive. With an unwavering passion for various species of fish, birds, and animals, Dexter, a dedicated hobbyist, invites us to join him on a fascinating journey. From the vibrant Japanese koi to the colorful birds that fill his aviary, Dexter’s…

Thousands of Fish in Green Water Fish Tank
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Thousands of Fish in Green Water Fish Tank

Hi guys it’s another beautiful day once again and welcome back to dexter’s world channel. It’s been my routine every morning to feed all my japanese koi and it gives me joy and  looking at them very healthy. Such is really one of the accomplishments and inspirations I get from them, that is why fishkeeping…

All the Basics You Need to Know in Transferring a Week Old Chicks
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All the Basics You Need to Know in Transferring a Week Old Chicks

You may have known the basics in taking care of a newly hatched chicks and already familiar in constructing the right coop for them and of course growing them in the most healthy way possible. Today, another basics you need to know about raising chicken will be revealed. I also recommend that you watch the…

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How are you doing in this time of pandemic? I hope you are all well and in good shape while staying at home or working from home. I know and understand everyone’s fears, human as we are, it is inevitable to feel afraid of what’s ahead of us considering the losses we experienced from this…