What Inspires Me in Helping Mae-Mae: Part 3
Do you believe that some things and circumstances in life are given for a reason? I do. There are no accidents in life, every single thing happens for a reason. Watch my vlog here as I share some things I experience in life that made me grateful with what I have.
I have a daughter who was diagnosed with autism. Way back, I used to ask God why do I have to go through such challenges. There were times when I was so downhearted because my daughter experienced seizure, and that was also the very moment when I felt God’s love that I was able to compose a song. I realized that whatever life throws at us, our only security is God, no one and nothing else. In our difficult times, God will always see us through.
My why’s linger for some time until I met this client of mine named Mae-Mae. It slowly came to my senses that some things happen in life because somewhere along the road, I will meet people whose struggles I can relate to. Indeed, our challenges has many reasons, one of which is to be a source of comfort to people who share the same stories like ours.
When I met this client of mine, I could not help but felt compassion towards her. I knew in my heart that we met for a reason. It was an opportunity to extend help and I featured her in my vlogs so that other people will get the same opportunity too. I was overwhelmed with the responses of those who have watched the vlog, much more with those who took the initiative to send support to help the child. What could be more rewarding than seeing the child smile amidst her physical condition.
One of the things I promised her is a pillow and a mattress for her to lie down comfortably. I bought her a good one and this has been made possible through the support of some of our viewers. Watch the vlog as I brought the stuff to the child’s house.

Our difficulties and challenges are means to refine us, make us better people, able to sympathize and extend a helping hand to others who are in in their tough and trying times.
I hope we will never get tired of helping others. When we do, we make the world a better place. Happy serving!