Milk Fish Farming and Practical Tips to Succeed
Today, we are gonna talk about Milk Fish Farming. Yes, I don’t have a milk fish farm, but vlogged my visit in a certain milk fish farm in town. This one is actually owned by a colleague of mine, and he has been into this kind of farming for quite some time now. If you guys are planning to go milk fish farming, may this vlogged be of help. Watch it here Milk Fish Farming
During my visit in the farm, I was able to witness how they put the fingerlings in the pond where they will grow and eventually be ready for harvest. I can say that this kind of farming is a little tedious in such a way that even the transfer of fingerlings to the pond has a process to observe and follow.

The owner himself gave us some tips in this kind of farming. First, he taught us how to prepare the pond for another batch of fingerlings. I have learned that after harvesting the milk fish, one way to prepare the pond is by cleaning it. Accordingly, a certain poison will be used to kill the fishes which have gills and scales but spares the prawns and crabs and shrimps. After a week the water in the pond will be drained and the one of the effects of the poison is the growing of algae which will eventually be foods for the fish.
In a duration of six months the fingerlings will be fully grown and ready for harvest. I have also learned some tips of growing more algae and at the same time securing the fishes from theft. This is done by putting branches in the corners. In order to hold the prawns and crabs from jumping and crawling to the other side or to the land, a bamboo fence is put up. According to the owner, he opted to use bamboo fence instead of net since the former is more durable than the latter.

Those were the practical tips shared to me and I’m sharing with you too. I hope you guys got something you can use in your fish farm (if you are into milk fish farming). If you are envisioning of venturing this kind of farming, please do leave a comment below so we could help you out in our own little ways. Happy farming!
Here are available stuff in our website which can be of used in your aquarium at home. I hope you visit the site.